Street Swords Fencing will restart on the 9th September!
Juniors 8-13yrs 5.30-7pm
Adults (14+) 7.00-9pm
Anyone attending more than one session needs to register and manage their personal details with the free Street Swords Team App. Information link be members of British Fencing (free for 90 days) those who attend regularly, you need to set up a monthly standing order with your bank. The subscription will be £27 per month x 10 months (September to July 2025) subscription period. This also includes fencing equipment if needed!
BACS bank details
B G Cranston-Selby. Barclays Bank AC. number
43646459 Sort. 20-25-28.
REFERENCE: Name and Surname
If you start mid-season, start paying the monthly subscription when you start and the last payment is June 2025
You can still book individual sessions using the website and Team App. These will be more expensive than the standing order system.
If you have any queries, please contact Beth tel.
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